PCT Fees to Change

PCT Fees to Change


The amount of fees for filing and examination of international (PCT) applications has changed.
When filing with Rospatent, the fees will be:
- transmittal: RUR 1700,
- international filing fee: USD 1457 + USD 16 USD for each sheet over 30th (in roubles at the exchange rate of the Central Bank),
- discount for filing in character-coded form: USD 219 (request) and USD 329 (all materials),
- international search, Rospatent: RUR 8500 (in Russian) or RUR 40000 (in English),
- international search, EAPO: RUR 9000 (in Russian) or RUR 40000 (in English),
- international search, EPO: EUR 1845 (in English) +EUR 25 commission,
- preliminary examination, Rospatent: RUR 4500 (in Russian) or RUR 16000 (in English),
- international preliminary examination, other authority: RUR 6750 (in Russian) or RUR 24000 (in English),
- processing: USD 219.
When filing with the EAPO, the fees are similar, except for the following:
- forwarding: RUR 2000.