Utility models

Utility model is a technical solution relating to a device.

What can be patented as a utility model?
A device. According to the current patent legislation concerning utility models, "devices" refer to items that either are composed of a single part or consist of two or more parts (details, components) connected by assembly operations, existing in functional and structural unity (assemblies).
Are there conditions for patent issuance?
Yes, a utility model must be new and applicable in human activities. Additionally, for a successful patent application, certain drafting requirements must be met, such as, among others, providing a convincing justification of the relationship between the essential features of the utility model and the technical result (useful effect) achieved by its manufacture or use.
Why is a patent necessary?
A patent confirms your exclusive right to the utility model, which includes a monopoly on its use, including production, sale, import, etc., and provides the opportunity to generate additional income by licensing the utility model to third parties. The right can be transferred for temporary use, sold, pledged, inherited, or included in the charter capital.
Can one do without a patent?
You can try to keep the information secret, but there is a risk that someone else might patent the same utility model and prohibit you from using it.
How to determine if a patent is being infringed?
You need to compare the alleged infringing product with the patent claims, as they define the scope of protection. In order to ensure appropriate claims drafting and to establish whether an infringement takes place, it is recommended to consult your patent attorney.
What is the duration of a patent?
10 years.
In which countries is a patent valid?
Generally, a separate patent must be obtained in each country. It should be noted that not all countries allow obtaining utility model patents. For such countries, other forms of protection, such as inventions or industrial designs, can be considered. If patents are needed in several countries, an international application is usually filed. There are also regional patents, such as Eurasian patents, which can be obtained for inventions and industrial designs. However, it should be noted that obtaining a Eurasian patent for a utility model is not provided for.
Consultations on Patent Disputes
Do you have a patent, and someone is using your utility model without permission?
Initially, it is advisable to send a cease-and-desist letter to the infringer. If they refuse to stop using the utility model, you should consider taking a legal action.
Can't use a utility model because a competitor has a patent?
You can negotiate a license to use the utility model. If the patent holder refuses and does not use the utility model themselves, you can compel them to grant a license. In some cases, the patent can be invalidated.
Want to use a technology but unsure if it will infringe on someone else's rights?
A freedom-to-operate analysis should be conducted by your patent attorney.
Received a cease-and-desist letter or a lawsuit for patent infringement?
First, determine whether infringement actually exists by obtaining an opinion from your patent attorney. It is also worth checking whether the patent in question can be invalidated.
Viktor Alekseev
Russian and Eurasian Patent Attorney
Viktor Alekseev
Russian and Eurasian Patent Attorney
Viktor has a master’s degree in Optical Engineering from St. Petersburg Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics and a master’s degree in the English language from St. Petersburg State University. Viktor joined our Company in 2010
Nadezhda Bure
Russian and Eurasian Patent Attorney
Nadezhda Bure
Russian and Eurasian Patent Attorney
Nadezhda has a master’s degree in Radio Engineering from the Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University and a master’s degree in Linguistics (English and French) from the Metropolitan Institute of Interpreters and Translators in Moscow. Nadezhda Joined Liapunov & Reznichenko in 2008.
Tatyana Chervina
Patent Attorney Assistant
Tatyana Chervina
Patent Attorney Assistant
She handles patent, utility model and design applications before the Russian and Eurasian Patent Offices as well as abroad. She carries out work on preparing and filing applications, maintains the document workflow during application proceedings, prepares and files documents for registration of the disposal of the exclusive rights.
Diana Galukhina
Russian and Eurasian patent attorney
Diana Galukhina
Russian and Eurasian patent attorney
Joined Liapunov & Reznichenko in 2016. Has experience in: drafting patent applications; managing Russian, Eurasian and International patent applications; FTO searches; consulting on protecting patent rights, infringement, claims interpretation; nullity actions and third-party observations; translation of patent applications; drafting and recording contracts on IP rights.
Daria Kapitcyna
Patent Attorney Assistant
Daria Kapitcyna
Patent Attorney Assistant
Joined Liapunov & Reznichenko in 2015. She handles patent applications and utility model applications before the Russian and Eurasian Patent Offices as well as abroad.
Arseny Kharin
Head of the Chemical and Life Science Department
Russian and Eurasian patent attorney
Arseny Kharin
Head of the Chemical and Life Science Department
Russian and Eurasian patent attorney
Joined Liapunov & Reznichenko in 2006. Has a significant experience at Drafting and prosecuting Russian, Eurasian, PCT applications, national applications in neighboring countries; Patent Term Extension; Patent Searches (FTO, (non)patentability); IP advice on obtaining and protecting IP rights; Patent Invalidation; Representation in the Chamber of Patent Disputes and the IP Court; Patent Watch; IP Contracts.
Dmitry Obischenko
Russian Patent Attorney
Dmitry Obischenko
Russian Patent Attorney
Dmitry has a master’s degree in medical engineering from Novosibirsk State Technical University and a master’s degree in the English language from Institute of Foreign Languages, Saint Petersburg.
Vlas Pshenichnikov
Patent Expert
Vlas Pshenichnikov
Patent Expert
Joined Liapunov & Reznichenko in 2018. Competent in Managing Russian and Eurasian patent applications and Translations. Familiar with the technical fields of: Material Technology, Pharmaceutical Technology, Measurement Technology, Safety and Quality Management, Organic Synthesis and Chemical Technology, Food Industry, Medicine, Inorganic Chemistry and Polymer Technology.
Alina Salakhutdinova
Patent Attorney Assistant
Alina Salakhutdinova
Patent Attorney Assistant
Joined Liapunov & Reznichenko in 2015. Handles patent applications and utility model applications before the Russian and Eurasian Patent Offices.
Sofya Sazonova
Patent Attorney Assistant
Sofya Sazonova
Patent Attorney Assistant
She handles patent applications and utility model applications before the Russian and Eurasian Patent Offices. She is also responsible for annual fees payments and patent restoration procedures in Russia, Eurasia as well as abroad.
Galina Shirokova
Head of the Records and Document Management Department
Galina Shirokova
Head of the Records and Document Management Department
Joined Liapunov & Reznichenko in 2008, has been working as the head of department since 2014.

Specializes in protection of IP rights and disposal of exclusive right to inventions, utility models and designs at the Russian, Eurasian Patent Offices and abroad.
George Stoiko
Russian and Eurasian patent attorney
George Stoiko
Russian and Eurasian patent attorney
Joined Liapunov & Reznichenko in 2011. Competent at Drafting and prosecuting Russian, Eurasian, PCT applications, national applications in neighboring countries; Patent Term Extension; Patent Searches (FTO, (non)patentability); IP advice on obtaining and protecting IP rights; Patent Invalidation; Representation in the Chamber of Patent Disputes and the IP Court; Patent Watch; IP Contracts.
Ksenia Topuridi
Patent Attorney Assistant
Ksenia Topuridi
Patent Attorney Assistant
Joined Liapunov & Reznichenko in 2008. Handles patent and utility model applications before the Russian and Eurasian Patent Offices as well as in CIS countries.
Olesia Zadorozhnaia
Patent Expert
Olesia Zadorozhnaia
Patent Expert
Joined Liapunov & Reznichenko in 2018. Has competence in Managing Russian and Eurasian patent applications, Consultations, Patent Searches, Translations. Familiar in the technical fields of: Material Technology, Medicine, Pharmaceutical Technology, Organic Synthesis and Chemical Technology, Food Industry, Inorganic Chemistry and Polymer Technology, Measurement Technology.